Over de dwergen in The Hobbit

Richard Taylor aan het woord tijdens een interview met MTV.

Ondanks de aanblijvende problemen omtrent de opnames van The Hobbit, is het zeker dat de films er gaan komen. Òf is dus niet zozeer de vraag, maar eerder wanneer. En hoe. Zo werd door Richard Taylor, effects supervisor, een tip van de sluier opgelicht over de dwergen in de film. Het blijkt dat men nog altijd bezig is met de ontwerpen voor de films.

”It’s so busy here. I was in a big meeting about how to make the new designs of armor for the new film. That’s always good fun.” Aldus Taylor. "The great thing now is that we have experience, which we didn't have last time. We were going into it so green. This time, at least, we have the knowledge of what we learned last time, and hopefully we're wise enough to learn from that."

En over de dwergen: "The lovely thing about 'The Hobbit' is that the race of the dwarves comes to the forefront in the story, and [we'll depict] the uniqueness of the collection of the dwarves," zegt Taylor. De enige dwerg die we veel zien in de Lord of the Rings trilogie is Gimli, in The Hobbit daarentegen maakt Bilbo zijn reis met een hele groep dwergen.

"Gimli had an incredible presence, of course. "But he was only one character. And it's fantastic to think that we're going to be able to develop the dwarves to such a higher degree... the richness of their culture. The fact that through so many different dwarfs, you'll get to appreciate their cultural differences, where they come from, them as a people."

Over de problemen omtrent de opnamedata had Taylor nog het volgende te zeggen: "We haven't actually started fully on pre-production yet — we're still in the design phase — but it's a wonderful opportunity to work with a unique director in [director] Guillermo [del Toro] and continue to work with Peter [Jackson] as the producer, who is so heavily involved." Dat zou kunnen betekenen dat de opnames nog een tijdje op zich laten wachten. Het eerdere nieuws daarover blijkt dus wellicht te kloppen.

Echter, zich druk maken over het continue uitstellen van de productie doet Taylor niet: "It's been an unrushed period of pre-pre-[production], and that's been a pleasure as everyone gets back into the right headspace. As far as schedules go, you'd need to talk to someone else about that. But from our own perspective, we're enjoying this early phase as it's ticking along."

The Hobbit I zou in 2011 in de Nederlandse bioscopen moeten draaien, maar of dit gaat lukken is dus niet al te zeker.


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