Fuller over The Birds

Het bericht dat Michael Bays productiemaatschappij Platinum Dunes van plan is om een remake te maken van Alfred Hitchcocks klassieker The Birds blijkt niet uit de lucht gegrepen. Producer Brad Fuller liet echter weten dat het geen remake van de film wordt, maar een nieuwe verfilming van Daphne Du Mauriers boek waarop Hitchcock zijn film baseerde.

"We're not remaking Hitchcock's movie. That movie stands on its own and it is a wonderful piece of filmmaking. It's a very difficult thing to say, 'We're remaking a Hitchcock film'. What was interesting to us was that the short story the Hitchcock film was based on was chock full of stuff that Hitchcock didn't use in his film. And so we went to those things and that's the basis of our film. It's the same title because it's based on the same short story but we don't have characters like what they have. The concept of birds, certainly, that's the core of the movie but the situations and the plot come from the short story not from the Hitchcock film."

Fuller liet weten dat het er voorlopig niet naar uitziet dat Michael Bay zelf de regie op zich zal nemen, maar zei ook dat die beslissing afhangt van de cast.

"We've had interest from very high-level actresses to play what they think is the Tippi Hendren role. It's not but, again, all of our films have this female protagonist. We've had some wonderful interest from some incredible actresses and that will dictate a little bit who directs the movie, I suspect".


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