Fast & Furious 3 in Japan

Neil Moritz, producer van onder andere The Fast and the Furious en 2 Fast 2 Furious, zei in een gesprek met dat de tweede sequel zich in Japan af zal spelen. Zowel Vin Diesel als Paul Walker zullen daarbij niet van de partij zijn.

[eng]Is it true you’re doing a Fast and the Furious 3 with neither Vin Diesel nor Paul Walker?
"Yes, it is."

At what point did you realize you had to reinvent that franchise?
"Well, we really loved making those two movies and we were looking for a fresh take on how to go into that world again, we came to this idea of going to Japan."

How is racing different in Japan?
"It’s where a lot of this stuff started, so it’s about the new level of racing there."[/eng]


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