BAFTA Nominaties

Als het over filmprijzen gaat overheersen de Oscars (en de nominaties ervoor) meestal de gesprekken, zeker zo rond februari, maar er zijn uitersaard veel meer uitreikingen. Zo zijn gisteren de nominaties voor de BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) film-awards bekendgemaakt:

[eng]Best Film
Big Fish
Cold Mountain
LotR: Return of the King
Lost in Translation
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

Best Director (David Lean Award)
Tim Burton - Big Fish
Anthony Minghella - Cold Mountain
Peter Jackson - Return of the King
Sofia Coppola - Lost In Translation
Peter Weir - Master and Commander

Best Actor in a Leading Role:
Bill Murray - Lost In Translation
Benecio del Toro - 21 Grams
Johnny Depp - Pirates of the Carribean
Jude Law - Cold Mountain
Sean Penn - Mystic River
Sean Penn - 21 Grams

Best Actress in a Leading Role
Anne Reid - The Mother
Naomi Watts - 21 Grams
Scarlett Johannson - Lost In Translation
Scarlett Johannson - Girl with a Pearl Earring
Uma Thurman - Kill Bill, Vol. 1

Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Albert Finney - Big Fish
Bill Nighy - Love Actually
Ian McKellen - LotR: Return of the King
Paul Bettany - Master and Commander
Tim Robbins - Mystic River

Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Emma Thompson - Love Actually
Holly Hunter - thirteen
Judy Parfitt - Girl With a Pearl Earring
Laura Linney - Mystic River
Renee Zellweger - Cold Mountain[/eng]


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