Neve Campbell over The Company

In een interview met Associated Press vertelde Neve Campbell een aantal dingen overThe Company, de nieuwe film van Robert Altman (MASH, Prêt-à-Porter, Dr. T & the Women).

[eng]AP: How long did you train before the movie started shooting?

Campbell: I trained 8 1/2 hours a day for six months. I did 4 1/2 months on my own with a coach, doing Pilates and doing rehabilitation for a knee injury, and working on the dance pieces. And then I did another month and a half with the Joffrey Ballet, learning all the ballets.

AP: That sounds excruciating.

Campbell: Yeah, but it's what you need to do to be able to pull it off, to get up to par with a bunch of professional dancers. In no way did I want to go into that company and not be up to par, especially having been a professional dancer myself.

AP: Do you feel you got to that level?

Campbell: Yeah, I think I got there. I was worried that I wouldn't be, but once I got there and had the support from the dancers, I think I did.

AP: Were you risking serious injury?

Campbell: No, not really. I knew that certain old injuries would come up, but I knew I'd be able to handle them. I broke my rib three days before I got to Chicago, so I did the whole movie with a broken rib.

AP: At what point did you think Altman would be the right person to direct "The Company"?

Campbell: From the beginning, Barbara and I said this film has to be Altmanesque, because I didn't want to make a movie about the girl from the wrong side of the tracks who becomes a ballerina, or the girl who's in the chorus and wants to be the principal and gets there. We've seen that story and it's a little boring, you know? And it doesn't tell you a lot about the dance world. [/eng]

Het volledige interview is [url2][]hier[/url2] te lezen.


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