Donner over X-Men 3

Dark Horizons heeft recentelijk producer Lauren-Shuler Donner ondervraagd over de status van "X-Men 3":

Are you getting many X3 questions?
Sure, mostly which character would you want to see in X3? [From others] I'm getting Beast, I'm getting Gambit - I have a great idea for Gambit but I can't say what it is.

When do you think it'll start shooting?
Ideally I would love to come out Summer of 2005 which means we'd better get going, but it's going to take a while to make the deals and all that.

What about writers?
Writers we're going to use Dan Harris & Mike Dougherty (the writers for "X2"), and then we're also going to develop a "Wolverine" movie at the same time but it won't come out until after "X3"

Are any of the actors signed on like Anna?
Some of our younger cast are. Shawn [Ashmore, aka. Iceman]...Anna [Paquin] is not. What we did was made everybody two-picture deals, so anybody who was in the first two are not but Shawn is and Colossus and Kitty Pride...

Will Colossus have a bigger role?
We'll see, probably.

Will the Dark Phoenix storyline be used?
We have to, we kind of left that out there so we have to follow that thread along with some other stories.

Ian McKellan told us he's keen on doing X3?
I can't imagine doing it without him or Patrick [Stewart] or any of the main cast...and Halle [Berry]. We have to make sure that she's used well and we have a great great storyline for her, or maybe we do a Storm movie...who knows.


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