Interview Cloverfield-regisseur

Website ShockTillYouDrop sprak kort met Matt Reeves, de man die het door J.J. Abrams geproduceerde Cloverfield regisseert. Reeves regisseerde eerder een aantal televisieseries (waaronder Felicity, dat hij met Abrams schreef) en zal met Cloverfield zijn bioscoopdebuut maken.

How funky is it to see the public Internet reaction surrounding this film?
"The fun thing about doing the teaser trailer was that it was a throwback to a time when we would see a trailer for a film like "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." You were sitting there seeing a trailer for a movie that was completely mysterious. There's so much media saturation now we felt we'd shoot a quick teaser and throw something out there. Throw it out to the people so they can have a sense of discovery again. Then Paramount said, 'What if we don't even put the title out there so people can speculate?' We wondered if the MPAA would go with it, they didn't even know how to respond at first. They were like, 'That's never happened before.' But they let us do it. We knew people would be intrigued, but we had no idea the level to which they would begin to engage. We spent a large part of our prep period making the teaser trailer and using it as a basis as a prep for the movie. Shooting the teaser trailer was our way to understand how we were going to pull this off."

The theories that permeated message boards were all over the map. Did you guys find time to sift through them all?
"Around the time the trailer came out, we were a week into shooting the movie. And as we were shooting the movie we were starting to see this reaction building and that was exciting for us. We'd be on set creating this thing, finding out the language of it. I'd come home and these people have seen the trailer and are creating their own movie in a way based on their speculations. That was awesome. At the last minute, when we were shooting the trailer, we wanted people to know - 'cause we hadn't created the monster yet - that it was a giant monster movie, we wanted a tease of that. I jumped to the microphone and said the line, "I saw it! It's alive! It's huge!" And one of the most amusing things is I had come home and someone on the web had taken that section and started to do an analysis on it and thought I said, "It was a lion." The way I speak was too fast sometimes and they couldn't make it out."


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