Star Wars: Episode III nieuws

[url2][]Ain't-It-Cool-News[/url2] was aanwezig bij een Star wars meeting San Francisco waar Lucasfilm de marketing van Star Wars: Episode III presenteerde en de eerste feiten bekend maakte.

[eng]The marketing timeline for Star Wars is as follows - This week, The Clone Wars, then the original Star Wars trilogy is being released September 2004, then Episode 3 teaser advertising begins in January of 2005, Episode 3 May 2005, Episode 3 DVD/VHS November 2005. One little fun fact - seems that they have TWO Star Wars television ideas floating around the would be animation and the other - LIVE ACTION. These television projects would be in 2006. Let's hope they're better than the Star Wars Christmas Special, or those Ewok films.

But the REAL meat and potatoes was the Episode 3 footage! Some cool as hell stuff. Anakin is looking darker than ever. Dark clothes, with what appears to be some scars on his face. They showed one seen with Obi-Won, The Emperor and Anakin crashing their ship into a planet as the ship burns.

They showed some animation of what will be OB1's transportation at one point in the film. A large lizard that's able to walk upside down and scale walls.[/eng]


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