Forster over Bond 22

Na het ingetogen drama The Kite Runner, naar het boek van Khaled Hosseini over twee Afghaanse jongens die hun vriendschap op de proef stellen, is de nieuwe James Bond voor regisseur Marc Forster (Stranger Than Fiction, Monster's Ball, Finding Neverland) een project van een geheel andere orde. De in Duitsland geboren Forster sprak erover met website Comingsoon.

"After doing Kite Runner and being in this world and being in tents in Western China in the hardest conditions where obviously, you don't have any stars, so you're limited with your budget and what you can do. Ultimately, the studio has to watch out for the commercial possibilities of the films, so doing a Bond film next is just a new challenge, something different. I always like—if you look at my films—I always like to do the opposite of what I just did."

Over de casting voor de 22e Bond-film: "I still have to do it all. I've been really focusing on Kite Runner as well, so there has been no casting news, nothing."


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