Hanks brengt Maan naar IMAX

Tom Hanks (Apollo 13, Saving Private Ryan,The Green Mile, Cast Away) zal een IMAX-film over de maanreizen mede produceren. De film, Magnificent Desolation, zal gefilmd worden met IMAX 3D cameras, om het publiek zo echt mogelijk te laten ervaren hoe het is om op de maan rond te lopen.

[eng]"We went to the Moon. Everyone knows that. We -- by proxy in the form of the Apollo Astronauts -- flew up into the sky, sailed to the Moon, and landed on Luna Firma. What we know too little of is what we did while we were there. 'Magnificent Desolation' takes the audience to the surface of the Moon -- to the Ocean of Storms, the Fra Mauro Highlands and the Taurus Littrow Valley, as well as Sea of Tranquility -- as only IMAX can. Exploring the Moon was humankind's most incredible roadtrip. Our film will bring along anyone who wants to take that giant leap for themselves."[/eng]

De film zal zich concentreren op de 12 mensen die op de maan gelopen hebben, gebruik makend van niet eerder vertoonde foto's en filmmateriaal van de NASA, en spaarzame CGI.


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