Meer Family Guy!

Nee, het is helaas geen filmnieuws, maar toch de moeite waard om te melden: 20th Century Fox heeft toegezegd nog minstens 22 nieuwe afleveringen van de met Emmy's bekroond TV-serie Family Guy uit te brengen. De uitermate populaire serie was in 2003 de best verkochte TV-serie op DVD.

Hoogste baas Gary Newman van 20th Century Fox TV:
[eng]"This is incredibly exciting for everyone at Fox. The overwhelming response to 'Family Guy' this past year is a real tribute to Seth's vision and talent and it's been really gratifying to all the executives who never stopped championing him and the show. The fact that after all this time we were able figure out a way to get back into production is a testament both to Seth's passion for keeping it alive and some really great teamwork among the executives at our studio and home entertainment and syndication divisions and those at Turner and the Cartoon Network. We're thrilled for Seth, we're thrilled for his fans, and to be honest we're thrilled for our teenage kids who threatened to emancipate themselves if we didn't figure out a way to bring the show back."[/eng]


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