Spider-Man musical info

Drie jaar geleden maakten we melding van het feit dat Julie Taymor, die eerder Disneys The Lion King uiterst succesvol naar Broadway bracht, een Spider-Man musical wilde maken met muziek van Bono en The Edge van U2. Het leek zo'n bericht waar je vervolgens nooit meer wat van zou horen, maar in dit geval komt er zo nu en dan wat informatie naar buiten waaruin blijkt dat die musical er gewoon gaat komen.

LA.com schrijft: "We want to open in New York, and there aren't enough Broadway houses," says Taymor, adding that Bono and The Edge have finished the book and lyrics for the project. "It's really tricky because ours is a big musical that's really unusual. It will have some fabulous things in it because it's got a very strong book." She says, "I'm very proud of the songs that Bono and Edge wrote. It's a real rock-and-roll musical, so we're not worried about that aspect. We just have to find where we're going to do it -- even if we have to do it in a tent, which we're looking into -- and when. It'll at least be a year away."


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