Bolo met Van Damme in Kumite

De vaste bezoekers van FilmTotaal kennen waarschijnlijk de naam Bolo maar al te goed; van deze Arnie-fan in hart en nieren, berucht filmcommentator en begenadigd recensist zijn hier op FilmTotaal immers regelmatig nieuwe reacties en inzichten te lezen. Wat veel minder mensen zullen weten is waar zijn nickname vandaan komt, namelijk van Bolo Yeung, The Beast From The East.

Yang Tze, zoals zijn echte naam luidt, zwom in de zestiger jaren van China naar Hongkong om het communisme te ontvluchten, waarna hij zich toelegde op gewichtsheffen en martial-arts. Hij won de titel Mr. Hong Kong, een bodybuilding-wedstrijd, was een leerling van Bruce Lee en werd door deze laatste ook gekozen voor de rol van Bolo, de topvechter van drugsbaron Master Han in de klassieker Enter The Dragon.

Waarom nu dit hele verhaal: Bolo gaat samen met Jean Claude Van Damme spelen in diens nieuwe film Kumite, een film waar The Muscles from Brussels al 3 jaar aan bezig is.

Don Warrener, de producer die samen met Van Damme de film gaat maken, is zelf uiteraard razend enthousiast en denkt dat de film een mijlpaal van de martial-arts films gaat worden. Daarbij zoekt hij zelfs nog acteurs voor deze film:

[eng]“I have read the script and I really believe that it will bring the art of martial arts back to the dignity and respectability that it so rightfully deserves. I asked Van Damme why he was so passionate about this movie and he replied, “It’s time the public got to know the martial arts for exactly what they are. Real Karate, real Muay Thai, real Savate, and no holds barred. They are all equally good with their strong and weak points, but they all deserve the respect by the non-practitioners, and that is my goal in “Kumite”.When I visited Van Damme he went through and explained the final fight scene that has a sensational idea. It includes quality martial arts, and dignity that only the Masters like Kano, Funakoshi, Oyama, and Miyagi could have wished for.

“The real bonus is that Van Damme has given me permission to put the word out to the world-wide martial arts community that those who would like to be involved in the movie can send in their professional demo reel (not longer than 5 minutes) and your personal martial arts resume - including current height, recent headshot, nationality (as per your passport) and all your contact information. We are looking for real experts, short and tall, fighters, coaches, and instructors.

Fighters (Description of types that are still required)

Maxine Germain
French, champion Savate fighter, bears a grudge against humanity because of abuse in childhood and is vowing for revenge by the only way that he knows-total victory.

Kunta Makaba,
Age 33, Africa's most notorious mass murderer and known as that. Is promised freedom if he succeeds in winning the championship. The taste of freedom is within his grasp.

Abdoul Benjamoul
Huge Arab fighter of Middle Eastern origin. Trained to the peak of perfection and bristling with muscle. Dreamed all his life to take part in the strongest combat ever.

Topal Majal
Indian contender who has been testing his strength which has never failed him and to prove his mystical powers all over India. A strength that has never failed him. And now this is the chance for him
to test his strength in America and to become an international hero in the Indian sub continent. A chance not to be missed.

Please send all the information to
Rising Sun Productions
628 N. Doheny Drive
Los Angeles
CA 90069
U.S.A. [/eng]


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