Tarantino over Kill Bill DVD

Tijdens het promoten van Kill Bill Vol. 2 liet regisseur Tarantino wat los over de plannen die hij heeft met de DVDs van de Kill Bill serie:

[eng]"We did a special version [of Volume 1] for Japan that's only been shown in Japan and Hong Kong, and I kept the rights to that. I'll put the Japanese version together [with Volume 2] like I would if it was one complete movie, and then I'll release that throughout America and Europe in arthouse engagements. [...] I'm going to do a special collector's edition of both of them once I'm finished with both of them."[/eng]

Tarantino overweegt ook de uitgave van op zichzelf staande DVD's met extra's:

[eng]"One of the things that I saw that I liked... was what the American Pie guys did with their 'Beneath the Crust' documentaries. I want to do the same thing [for Kill Bill]."[/eng]


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