Hoewel er eerder enige onzekerheid was, omdat fans teleurgesteld waren door de eerste glimpen die we hebben gezien van het ontwerp van het uiteindelijke wezen, zijn de eerste reacties nu online verschenen.
R-rating voor bloederig geweld en gruwelijke beelden
En die geven aan dat er niets is om je zorgen over te maken, want Wolf Man lijkt een uitstekende, spannende en emotionele horror te zijn.
De hoofdrollen worden gespeeld door Christopher Abbott, Julia Garner en Matilda Firth als een gezin dat wordt geterroriseerd door een dodelijk roofdier.
Lees hieronder enkele Tweets terug
Wolf Man is not just terrifying, it packs an emotional punch. I found myself jumping out of my skin and then shedding tears. The acting is top notch and the cinematography is insane. The way the camera switches POVs provides a masterclass in horror. I loved it! #WolfManMovie pic.twitter.com/GzVIo62Bf9
-- Tessa Smith - Mama's Geeky (@MamasGeeky) January 7, 2025
#WolfMan will leave you afraid of the dark! Watched this movie with my feet up on the air because I was terrified of what could grab my ankles. Just a suspenseful thrill from start to finish. Christopher Abbott is a star and I love him so much! pic.twitter.com/V6frodldjq
-- Rachel Leishman (@RachelLeishman) January 7, 2025
Leigh Whannell's WOLF MAN is a pulse-pounding, super fun take on classic werewolf cinema. Less is more in this effective tale of generational guilt. The "infected" Wolf Man design also works far better on-screen.
-- Andrew J. Salazar (@AndrewJ626) January 7, 2025
Very different, but also complimentary to The Invisible Man. pic.twitter.com/4WyMNxWTA1
Wolf Man is some of the most excellent horror in recent memory. A slow transformation will sicken you, but it tells a story that packs a familial punch. A great cast highlights an utterly terrifying film. @WolfManMovie25 pic.twitter.com/sgIrMzANbC
-- That Hashtag Show (Official) (@ThatHashtagShow) January 7, 2025
#WolfMan is a tense, straight-forward thriller that sees Christopher Abbott unleash the battle between human and animal through his strong performance! Julia Garner is the heart and humanity of the drama. Leigh Whannell's insane visual and auditory creativity is amazing! pic.twitter.com/StqhmJlkpF
-- Nick L'Barrow - Interviews and Reviews @novastream (@nicksflicksfix) January 7, 2025
Wolf Man is everything that I wanted and then some. A truly excellent horror film that gives you body horror, familial horror, and some gruesome effects. The entire cast is excellent, but Christopher Abbott takes it up to another level as a classic "character". @WolfManMovie25 pic.twitter.com/AqvL4sO404
-- Hunter Bolding (@HunterBVideo) January 7, 2025