Peter Jackson over de Extended Cut van 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey'

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Net als bij de LOTR trilogie verschijnen er van de The Hobbit films Extended Cuts. Van de reeds op Blu-Ray verschenen The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey verschijnt de verlengde versie vlak voor de release van het tweede deel The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug in december dit jaar. Regisseur Peter Jackson sprak met Empire over wat we van deze versie kunnen verwachten.

Hieronder de video, gevolgd door een aantal quotes.

- "You are going to get some serious Dwarvish disrespect of the elves at Rivendell"

- "You are going to get more of Hobbiton. We always wanted to wend our way through Hobbiton, but in the end Bilbo has to run out of the door."

- "You are going to get more Goblin Town, and the Great Goblin singing his song. It is a great song, but it was just another delay in terms of moving the story along."

- "A number one hit from the Goblin King. Barry Humphries is going to rise up the charts."

- "We are putting things in the extended cut that are going to play straight into the second film, like this character Girion, who is defending [the city of] Dale using black arrows against Smaug. And the black arrows play a part in an ongoing story, for they are the one thing that can pierce the dragon's hide."

- "There are also issues with [king of the elves] Thranduil (Lee Pace). We get some of the reason why he and the dwarves had a falling out - to do with these white gems..."


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