Net als in de originele film bevat de nieuwe 3D versie de 16 liedjes als "All Together Now", "All You Need is Love", "Eleanor Rigby", "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" en "With a Little Help from My Friends". De voorzitter van D23 tijdens de bekendmaking: "This is truly an inspired collaboration, and a wonderful opportunity to revisit one of the most imaginative and memorable musical fantasies of all time. To be working with the amazing folks at Apple Corps, and to have Bob helming the sub is truly as good as it gets. With all those incredible Beatles songs and imagery, the spectacular vision of Bob and his pioneering team at ImageMovers Digital, and a classic adventure full of wit and action, we're sure that moviegoers are going to have a great time on this latest trip to Pepperland."
Voor wie de 1968 klassieker heeft gezien (bekijk onderaan dit bericht de trailer), weet dat de muzikale film een behoorlijke kleurrijke trip is. Disney denkt met de huidige technieken iets extra's te kunnen toevoegen: "'Yellow Submarine' is one of the greatest fantasy films of all time, and making this new 3D performance capture movie is a dream come true for me. With the latest advances in technology, we will be able to take moviegoers on a voyage unlike any other, and bring new excitement and dimension to Pepperland and the various sea worlds they encounter. I'm thrilled to be working with the good folks at Apple Corps and our partners at Disney on this epic retelling of one of my all time favorite films."
Zemeckis is de laatste jaren een kenner geworden op het gebied van motion capture. Eerder verschenen in deze filmtechniek namelijk al The Polar Express (2004) en Beowulf (2007). Eind dit jaar verschijnt ook A Christmas Carol in motion capture.
De trailer van Yellow Submarine (1968):