Hitchhiker's Guide Q&A

Batman, Sin City, War of the Worlds; komend jaar verschijnt er veel moois in filmland. Maar voor bepaalde kringen is 2005 het jaar waarin een van de langstverwachte films ooit uitkomt: de bioscoopversie van [urlnoblank=http://www.filmtotaal.nl/module.php?section=bios&movie=1104926106]The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy[/urlnoblank], naar de boeken van Douglas Adams.

Bezoekers van de website ComingSoon hadden de mogelijkheid om regisseur Garth Jennings en producer Nick Goldsmith vragen te stellen.

[eng]How did Jennings, a director with no Hollywood experience, end up helming one of the most anticipated films of 2005?

Garth: "Good question!!! The short answer is that Nick and I came up with a big, fresh way to make the film that got everyone very excited, and we could do it for less than half of what it would normally have cost to make in Hollywood."

"Slightly longer answer: Nick and I have been making videos, commercials and short films together since we left art school. It was through making all this stuff that we met Spike Jonze. Jay Roach had sent the script to Spike but he passed and sent him our showreel as an alternative suggestion (we are forever in his debt!) Spyglass liked our reel too and sent us the script. Nick and I downed tools on a movie we had just written and spent the next 8 months working flat out on the HHGG script and the visuals. I also storyboarded about half of the film. 3 drafts, over 2000 drawings and ten million packets of Hob-Nobs later we had it all worked out. We had shot Zaphod head tests, made models of space ships and Vogons etc and burned all of it onto a nice little presentation DVD. The guys at Spyglass really liked what we had done so Nick and I flew out to L.A and presented it to Disney. The presentation, especially the storyboards, went down really well, so well in fact that they green lit the movie then and there. The stuff of dreams!"[/eng]

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