De film wordt door verschillende mensen al een klassieker genoemd. "Het is een absoluut meesterwerk. Waarschijnlijk het beste historische epos sinds Kingdom of Heaven," schrijft iemand van die de film al heeft gezien.
Our EIC @cbumbray saw #TheNorthman and says it's an absolute masterpiece. Probably the best historical epic since Kingdom of Heaven. A truly unique journey into madness and revenge Viking-style! A must see in theaters- the sound and visuals demand it.
-- (@joblocom) April 5, 2022
Ook resencent Erik Davis zag de film en noemt The Northman de "meest toegankelijke film van Eggers, maar het is nog steeds erg trouw aan zijn manier van filmen" Het verhaal zou doordrenkt zijn met wilde Noorse overlevering en beelden die zo van een andere tijd en plaats lijken. Davis noemt de film "freaky & boos!"
The story of #TheNorthman is a pretty straight-forward revenge tale. Perhaps it's Eggers' most accessible film, but it's still very true to his filmmaking style, infusing the story w/ wild Norse lore & imagery that feels so of another time & place. This thing is freaky & angry!
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) April 5, 2022
En zo zijn er nog meer reacties op de The Northman met rollen voor onder meer Alexander Skarsgård, Anya Taylor-Joy, Nicole Kidman, Ethan Hawke, Claes Bang, Gustav Lindh en Willem Dafoe. Vanaf volgende week donderdag in de bioscoop.
THE NORTHMAN is exactly what you'd expect from a $90 million Viking revenge film by Robert Eggers. Brutal & dazzling with a vast attention to detail. Story is pretty straightforward & slow early on but I was still in awe of its spectacle. Alexander Skarsgård is an absolute beast.
-- Matt Neglia (@NextBestPicture) April 5, 2022
There's no denying the visual storytelling of Robert Eggers. #TheNorthman is a haunting, bold and brutal Viking epic, not for the faint of heart. And you have never seen Alexander Skarsgard like this before. @FocusFeatures
-- Paul McGuire Grimes (@PaulsMovieTrip) April 5, 2022
The Northman: Robert Eggers has made his Gladiator. A satisfying, emotional revenge epic that kept me guessing and engaged with its beautiful language, mythology, and cinematography. Smaller than the trailers make it seem but still powerful and moving. The final battle is 🔥🔥🔥.
-- Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) April 5, 2022
The Northman is spectacular. It's surprisingly Eggers' most accessible film, but no less immersive in its authentic feel. It's a gripping revenge story that keeps its hand around your throat & visually stunning. Compelled me to whisper "holy shit!" several times. #TheNorthman
-- Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) April 5, 2022