De film is al te zien geweest voor critici en over krap twee weken in de bioscopen te zien. En hoewel er nog geen recensies zijn gepubliceerd, hebben we wel al de eerste reacties op sociale media. En die zijn bovenal heel erg positief. De film lijkt nog een pot met goud gevonden te hebben.
In deze vervolgfilm moet de familie Abbott de gevaren van de buitenwereld het hoofd bieden. Ze trekken het onbekende in en leren al snel dat de wereld een nog veel gevaarlijkere plek is dan ze in eerste instantie gedacht hadden. En de wezens die jagen op geluid, blijken bepaald niet de enige bedreigingen te zijn.
A QUIET PLACE PART II is not at all what I expected, and that's a great thing. A very creative sequel that goes to some unexpected and satisfying places. Bravo Millicent Simmonds. #AQuietPlacePartII #AQuietPlace
— Meagan Navarro (@HauntedMeg) March 6, 2020
A QUIET PLACE PART II is "Tension: The Movie." I have a stomach ache now from how tense this movie is. (Also, this turned out to be a surprisingly great Cillian Murphy movie.)
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) March 6, 2020
#AQuietPlacePartII is a great sequel that expands the world. Had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Movie is an hour and 45 minutes and when it ended wanted more. Is it too early to talk about #AQuietPlace3?
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) March 6, 2020
A QUIET PLACE PART II: A worthy, world-expanding followup that builds on the original and finds its own thrills, chills, and emotions in the process. Audiences should still be banned from eating crunchy snacks during any and all screenings. 🍿
— Kate Erbland (@katerbland) March 6, 2020
Damn, #AQuietPlace Part II rocks! Honestly, just as tense and terrifying as the first one. There are some sequences in this film that are a masterclass in suspense. Bravo, @johnkrasinski. So good, so emotional, too.
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) March 6, 2020
The use of sound in #AQuietPlace Part 2 is still so vital. In what could easily have been a retread, @johnkrasinski finds unbelievably creative ways to keep the movie's niche from getting stale. The entire cast is fantastic and it's riveting from top to bottom. @quietplacemovie
— Chris Killian (@chriskillian) March 6, 2020