De wereld moet nog even wachten op het uitkomen van Solo: A Star Wars Story, tot 25 mei om precies te zijn. Maar de nieuwe Star Wars-film ging gisteren voor een klein publiek al in wereldpremière in Hollywood, en zal komende op het Cannes filmfestival draaien.
En dus regende het daarna vannacht en vanochtend tweets over de film, van zowel critici als ''gewone'' bioscoopgangers. Deze eerste reacties bevatten wel kritiek, maar zijn over het algemeen overwegend positief.
Hieronder een greep daaruit:
Solo: A Star Wars Story is... fine. It's slow to find its footing, but picks up in the second act, and it's definitely fun. Has the occasional prequel problem answering questions I didn't need answers to, but also some fun references. Overall I liked it, didn't love it
-- Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) 11 mei 2018
Got out of #SoloAStarWarsStory and I'm completely floored. This movie seriously holds up! I was on the edge of my seat and had so much fun watching it! Interviewing the stars of the film tomorrow, cannot wait ❣️
-- Jacki Jing (@JackiJing) 11 mei 2018
Pleasantly surprised by #SOLO! A cute, fun, stylish #StarWars adventure. Would absolutely watch more Han and Chewie, which is not what I expected going into this AT ALL. Excited to see it again.
-- ✨ Rachel Heine ✨ (@RachelHeine) 11 mei 2018
#Solo feels surprisingly unlike any Star Wars movie before, yet perfectly captures the tone, adventure, characters and humor of the #StarWars franchise. Also, I need a Lando movie in my life.
-- Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) 11 mei 2018
Ooo @StarWars fans you are in for a friggin TREAT w/ #Solo. Killer cast. A great adventure. So much fun. #hansolo
-- Kara Warner (@karawarner) 11 mei 2018
Another thing about 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' that really stood out are the action set pieces. They were GREAT and so well choreographed.
-- Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) 11 mei 2018
Also thought Alden Ehrenreich was perfectly cast as Han Solo. Trust me entire cast was fantastic. Can't wait to see it again.