It is absolutely patently false that there has been any discussion about Harrison Ford being in Blade Runner. To be clear, what we are trying to do with Ridley now is go through the painstaking process of trying to break the back of the story, figure out the direction were going to take the movie and find a writer to work on it. The casting of the movie could not be further from our minds at this moment.
Kosove gaf verder aan dat het eerder een op zichzelf staande film wordt dan een sequel.
What Ridley does in Prometheus is a good template for what were trying to do. He created something that has some association to the original Alien, but lives on its own as a standalone movie.
Kosove sluit de aanwezigheid van Ford nog niet helemaal uit. Alles is natuurlijk mogelijk, hoe klein de kans ook is.
In advance of knowing what were going to do, I supposed you could say yes, he could. But I think it is quite unlikely,
Al het bovenstaande sluit goed aan op een eerdere uitspraak van Kosove. Hij zei afgelopen zomer het volgende:
In no way do I speak for Ridley Scott. But if youre asking me will this movie have anything to do with Harrison Ford, the answer is no. This is a total reinvention, and in my mind that means doing everything fresh, including casting.
Verwacht de film niet eerder dan 2014.