Man of Steel deels op Krypton?

Michael Shannon (General Zod) lijkt de geruchten over de Superman-reboot te bevestigen.

In een interview met de Los Angeles Times heeft acteur Michael Shannon enkele interessante uitspraken gedaan over Man of Steel, de aankomende Superman-reboot van regisseur Zack Snyder. Zo voedt Shannon de speculaties dat een deel van de film zich zal afspelen op Krypton, de thuisplaneet van Superman.

"It's unlike anything I've ever done. It's massive sets. It's literally another world. It's the first time I've acted on another planet."

Op de vraag hoe het is om te werken op een set die een andere wereld moet voorstellen, zei Shannon het volgende:

"As much green screen as there is and I'm sure will be, they're actually building a lot of the sets as well. I had thought it was just going to be green screens everywhere and we would just be pretending everything. There's quite a bit of detail they're building and putting into it. It's very helpful. The less green screen, the better -- I don't think you'd be able to find an actor on Earth who wouldn't have that sentiment."

En over zijn personage General Zod kon Shannon nog het volgende kwijt:

"He's not one of these archetypal villains with horns coming out of his head and breathing fire or something. He's a man, a Kryptonian man. He's a general, that's his main attribute. That's the way I approach it: playing a general. I've done military parts before, but I've only been up to sergeant, so this is a big promotion."

De cast van Man of Steel bestaat, naast Henry Cavill (Superman) en Michael Shannon (General Zod), uit o.a. Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Amy Adams, Antje Traue, Harry Lennix en Laurence Fishburne. De Amerikaanse bioscooprelease staat gepland voor 14 juni 2013.


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