Eerste officiële foto uit Prometheus

En Ridley Scott praat over de Alien prequel én 3D.

Gisteren zagen we al dat het helemaal losgaat op Comic Con 2011. Ook vandaag waait er het nodige nieuws over uit San Diago, waar ook een uitgebreide presentatie was van Prometheus, de Alien prequel van regisseur Ridley Scott en met namen als Michael Fassbender, Noomi Rapace, Idris Elba en Charlize Theron. Er werd o.a. een eerste officiële foto vrijgegeven, die je hieronder kunt zien, en er werd uitgebreid gesproken over de film.

Muisklik voor een vergroting

Tijdens de Comic Con Prometheus panel kon regisseur Scott niet aanwezig zijn. Hij werd echter wel ingestraald vanuit IJsland, waar hij de hand legt op een reeks opnames voor de veelbesproken film, die in juni 2012 in première moet gaan. Scott sprak met name en erg enthousiast over het gebruik van 3D:

"I'll never work without 3D again, even for small dialogue scenes." Hier voegde Scott nog aan toe: "3D has been a wonderful exercise but I was brought up as a camera operator so its really about lensing and all that kind of stuff. So with the help I've had from a wonderful cameraman and his technical team its been, for me, a pretty straight forward ride. That said I'll never work without 3D again, even for small dialogue scenes. I love the whole process. 3D opens up the universe of even a small dialogue scene so I've been very impressed with that."

Door de wel aanwezige co-schrijver Damon Lindelof werd hier nog het volgende aan toegevoegd: "When Ridley decided to film in 3D, he understood [lighting] was going to be one of the profound challenges and I think one of the things that was important to him was, in terms of the constructions of the sets, that the movie was shot on sound stages in Pinewood. Just these humongous, expansive sets. Everything is built. If you're building a ship, he just built the ship.....I've never been on the set of a movie that's actually shooting 3D before. Anytime you walk into video village there are essentially five massive video screens. You walk in, get a pair of glasses and you can see the shot and suddenly you understood, even on the production design level - the movie was designed by this guy Arthur Max who did Fight Club - 'Oh my god, they actually designed this movie for 3D.' Ridley is a shot maker. He makes beautiful art. So the idea of going in post and putting things in there digitally is not going to happen in this movie. Therefore, I feel any movie that's going to be in 3D has to answer the question, 'Can you justify this being in 3D? Why should it be in 3D?' I think the answer to that question for Prometheus is it creates a very immersive environment. The idea that you're in sometimes very confined spaces, sometimes very wide open spaces. But the only way to trick your brain into feeling you're in the movie, going through these experiences with these characters, is that the 3D helps bring you into that immersive environment and just based on what ive seen so far I think probably one the most visionary and visual directors in the world is finally using this medium, I think its going to be pretty special."


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