Tom Hiddleston over zijn rol in Thor

Wat zijn de drijfveren van Loki?

Tijdens een interview praatte acteur Tom Hiddleston meer over zijn rol als Loki in Thor. Het personage is de jongere broer van Thor (Tom Hiddleston), die min of meer in de schaduw van zijn broer leeft, en altijd op zoek is naar erkenning van zijn vaders kant. Uiteindelijk leidt dat ertoe dat Loki het slechte verkiest boven het goede.

"Ken [Branagh] and I discussed a lot very early on because we both read a lot of the comics and there were so many facets of him in the comics."

"...We wanted to root all of his mischief in a truthful, psychological damage. He essentially was teh younger brother. He was never going to be king and he wished that he could, so all of his stuff comes from wanting to please his father... But it was rooted in that. I found the duality of that, the sort of he's a villain, he has a lot of fun, he's a mischievous prankster but at the same time he's in deep, deep pain."

Daarnaast moest de acteur van Branagh een tweetal films kijken met de acteur Peter O'Toole, namelijk Lawrence of Arabia en The Lion in Winter: "... He said to have a look at Peter O'Toole in two specific films: The Lion in Winter and Lawrence of Arabia. I mean, two magnificent performances. What's interesting about The Lion in Winter is he plays King Henry and what's beautiful about his performance is that you see how damaged he is. And there's a rawness. It's almost as if he's living with a layer of skin peeled away. He's grandiose and teary, and in a moment, by turns, hilarious and then terrifying. What we wanted was that kind of emotional volatility. He said, "Just have a look. Don't necessarily..." It's a different acting style. It's not quite the same thing. What's fascinating is to go back and watch an actor as great as O'Toole and head for those high hills."

Loki wordt dus een duister personage, dat vooral last heeft van een gebrek aan erkenning van zijn vaders kant. Alles wat hij doet is geworteld in het verlangen zijn vader te plezieren. Hoe hij dat doet kunnen we vanaf 19 mei 2011 in de bioscopen zien.


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