Twee weken geleden maakte 20th Century Fox bekend dat zij aan een reboot werken voor de The Fantastic Four. Ondanks dat er wel een producent (Akiva Goldsman) en een schrijver (Michael Green) bekend werden gemaakt, was het nog onduidelijk of de originele cast gaat terugkeren voor de reboot. SuperheroHype sprak hierover met Chris Evans, de acteur die Johnny Storm a.k.a. The Human Torch speelde in de eerste twee Fantastic Four films uit 2005 en 2007.
Op de set van The Losers (ook een comic verfilming) is Evans erg positief over de reboot van Fantastic Four: "I think it's great. I'm sure it'll be a great movie. They do that with a lot of movies. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later. 'Batman,' 'Superman,' 'Incredible Hulk.' Sometimes it's a 10-year gap, sometimes it's five years, sometimes it's 20 years. I think there's room to read just the tone in 'Fantastic Four' as it was for 'Batman. You know, 'Batman' took on a very cartoony feel towards the end and even in the beginning. It was a lighter movie, even though it was Tim Burton. It was still a lighter film and the newer Batman's have just been amazing, so I'm all for good filmmaking. If they can go make a good dark edgy 'Fantastic Four,' right on."
Over zijn terugkeer in de reboot is hij een stuk minder positief: "I guess it would depend. I mean I'm never against revisiting, well I guess I should say not yet, I'm never against revisiting genres or character types. If I played a doctor in one movie I wouldn't be against playing a doctor again if the director was the right director. I think at the end of the day you've got to work with the directors. I do what I do because I like making good movies. It's fun to act but if you just loved acting alone you could sit in your room and act. You could act in a vacuum. You want to make good products. You want to make good films. I love movies and good movies come from good directors and like I said since there isn't this massive surplus of films out there, if a good director offers you a chance to make a good movie, you take it even if you say well I just played a character like that. Who cares? You're a great director. 'Scott Pilgrim,' I played characters similar to that guy but no f*cking way I'm going to say no to this guy. I'm doing your movie. So if 'Fantastic Four' got rebooted and Christopher Nolan was going to direct it and said do you want to play Johnny Storm again, I'd be in those blue f*cking tights."
De reboot van Fantastic Four wordt overigens pas in 2013 verwacht.