Vorige week werd op de Amerikaanse filmbeurs ShoWest aangekondigd dat de opnames van TRON 2.0 binnen enkele weken zouden starten. Nu blijkt echter dat de eerste beelden al geschoten zijn in de binnenstad van het Canadese Vancouver. Een lezer van /film was getuige van de eerste actiescènes, en bezorgde de redactie de eerste setfoto.
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Commentaar van de lezer die de foto nam: "They have been spending some crazy money here. They have been blocking off huge main sections of downtown for some pretty awesome looking action scenes. I saw tons of police cars chasing a guy hanging on to the top of a taxi. There were huge cranes holding up a stunt wire rig rig like I have never seen before. There is defintly some impressive non light cycle real life action in this movie. They have also transformed the tallest building in the city with huge encom logos and futuristic lighting. I was in total awe of how much equipment and gadgets they had. Everything I've seen them doing in the last five days is easily some of the most expensive stuff I've ever seen. It's probably is $300 million, even if it's canadian dollars. I only managed to grab this crappy still with the big logo and some futuristic room above."
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