Tv serie Rome naar witte doek

Succesvolle Tv serie krijgt een avondvullende bioscoopfilm.

Wat de fans van de tv serie The Sopranos nog steeds niet hebben gehoord, krijgen de fans van de tv serie Rome vandaag wel te horen. Van Rome wordt namelijk een bioscoopfilm gemaakt.

Ray Stevenson (Punisher: War zone), die Titus Pullo speelde in de tv serie Rome, heeft dit bekend gemaakt.

Stevenson: "The script is in full development... We could go into production in a year, or it could be as quick as six months. Who knows? It will happen. At least it is no longer a rumor. From what I have heard, they are nearing the end of script development."

Op de vraag of de filmversie van Rome net zo confronterend wordt of misschien wel verder gaat, antwoordt Stevenson:
"You have to ask Bruno Heller. Bruno is the one writing the movie, thankfully. I don't think anybody else could write the movie. It will be Bruno at the helm. That guy has a soft spot for Pullo and Vorenus. I don't think he will let the ball drop. I don't think he will disappoint. He never pulled his punches with the hard drama or the social status, or the action sequences. He put full honesty into the characters."


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