Regisseur James Mangold over de plek van 'The Wolverine' in het X-Men filmuniversum

En in welke staat arriveert Logan in Japan?

Deze zomer komt dan eindelijk de lang vertraagde X-Men film The Wolverine van James Mangold uit. De regisseur sprak met Entertainment Weekly over de superheldenfilm en gaf wat meer details prijs over de tijd waarin het zich afspeelt. Eerder werd al bekend dat het zich afspeelt na X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), het laatste deel van het X-Men filmuniversum. Mangold tegenover EW:

"It’s set after 'X-Men 3', but I wouldn’t call it a sequel to 'X-Men 3'. Because of some of the themes in the Claremont/Miller saga. I felt it was really important to find Logan at a moment where he was stripped clean of his duties to the X-Men, his other allegiances, and even stripped clean of his own sense of purpose. I was fascinated with the idea of portraying Logan as a ronin – the definition of which is a samurai without a master, without a purpose. Kind of a soldier who is cut loose. War is over. What does he do? What does he face? What does he believe anymore? Who are his friends? What is his reason for being here anymore? I think those questions are especially interesting when you’re dealing with a character who is essentially immortal."

De verhaallijn van The Wolverine wordt gebaseerd op de Wolverine comic-reeks van Chris Claremont en Frank Miller. Deze serie speelt zich af in Japan. Mangold geeft ook e.e.a. prijs over het personage van Hugh Jackman:

"What I wrote on the back of the script when I first read it was 'Everyone I love will die. The story I’ve been telling, he enters it believing that. Therefore he’s living in a kind of isolation. He gets drawn to Japan by an old friendship and then finds himself in a labyrinth of deceit, caught up in the agendas of mobsters, of wealth, and other powers we come to understand... You find Logan and his love is gone, his mentors are gone, many of his friends are gone, his own sense of purpose – what am I doing, why do I bother – and his exhaustion is high. He has lived a long time, and he’s tired. He’s tired of the pain."

The Wolverine moet op 25 juli in de bioscoop te zien zijn.


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