Chris Hemsworth over 'Thor: The Dark World'

De gespierde acteur speelt de rol voor derde keer in drie jaar tijd.

Acteur Chris Hemsworth speelt eind 2013 voor de derde keer de rol van de superheld Thor in de film Thor: The Dark World van Game of Thrones-regisseur Alan Taylor. Hemsworth sprak onlangs met Prestige Hong Kong over de film, de regisseur en zijn rol in de Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Over de regisseur zegt hij: "I love the way he adds an incredibly organic element to the fantastical world of Thrones, and I think that’s what Thor could benefit from. It’s grounded in reality, no matter how mythical or science-fiction-like it becomes. There’s a truth to it all. Certainly, working with him now, you can see he doesn’t want Thor or the Asgardians to seem like some distant race or god-like. He still wants them to be relatable."

Ook werd Hemsworth gevraagd over de routines die hij zo onderhand al zou kunnen hebben bij het invullen van de rol: "For Thor there’s a lot of ongoing reading and rereading of the script. I have a guy that I work with a lot who’s a voice coach, but also far more than that. We pull scripts apart and go into who these people are; his whole attitude of approaching a character is, instead of trying to mimic something or work out technically how you do that, it’s more why does someone speak like that. What’s in your personality or nature, or your past that has moulded you into sounding like this? That then raises a whole lot of questions about the character – which is great. You do that all the way through the film, even afterwards it’s hard to switch off sometimes."

Ook vraagt Prestige Hong Kong hem naar de reden waarom er gekozen is voor een Engels accent voor een Noorse god: "For whatever reason, it just seems to fit that world. Probably for no other reason than that it’s the way it’s been done in history. We associate Shakespearean speak [with god-like beings] because so many British actors have done it over the years. It resonates with the audience. Also, we had Anthony Hopkins, who is Welsh but has similar tones. I certainly couldn’t play him as Australian because people would think, “That’s Crocodile Dundee!”

Als laatste reageert Hemsworth op de opmerking dat het er net op lijkt dat de cast van [film=]The Avengers[/film] zich bijna gedroeg als een soort dolblije kinderen: "Most of the time we’re all on set together and it just became a laugh for all of us. We sort of fed off [the energy of] each other and before you know it, someone has to step in and say, “Come on, we’re trying to shoot a movie here!” Robert Downey Jr obviously has an incredible sense of humour and wit about him, which you see in all his characters. He’s like that in real life. You’re playing catch-up; always 10 steps behind what he’s saying. All those guys I learned something from and admired."

In The Dark World hebben ook Christopher Eccleston, Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins en Natalie Portman rollen en het staat gepland voor 8 november 2013. Hieronder een clip uit het eerste deel:


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