Guillermo Del Toro over zijn 'The Haunted Mansion'

Ondanks eerder berichten is het project nog steeds springlevend.

Guillermo Del Toro is al heel lang verbonden aan een live-action film gebaseerd op de populaire attractie The Haunted Mansion. Hoewel Disney de film onlangs van haar website verwijderde, is het project nog steeds in leven. Tegenover Collider gaf Del Toro een update.

I delivered my last draft five weeks ago. I have a meeting with them in three weeks. I know they like the screenplay. I need to meet with them in three weeks. That's what I know. I know their reaction to the draft was good. We have a bunch of conceptualist art, but you never know, to predict anything else is hard for me to know.

Del Toro speculeert vervolgens dat Disney graag zou zien dat hij de film niet alleen schrijft, maar ook de regie op zich neemt.

I still would love to make that movie. I came on board originally as a writer and producer, the decision I think they may be waiting, is for me to say I'm directing the movie. Or am I directing it next, which is too early for me to know what I'm doing next in live-action. I'm in the middle of Pacific Rim and I don't know what I'm going to do next.


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