Allereerst vertelde hij over zijn nu al impopulaire beslissing om de beelden laterna in 3D om te zetten. Were shooting on film [as opposed to digital 3D], and the reason for that is I wanted to shoot with anamorphic, and you cant shoot 3D in anamorphic.
Daarnaast geeft hij nog meer redenen voor de beslissing. Deze lagen vooral in het feit dat de studio de film in 3D wilde zien. Abrams had daar geen moeite mee omdat hij vond dat de beelden er goed uitzagen nadat ze omgezet waren, en vooral het feit dat mensen die de film in 2D willen zien, die keuze ook kunnen maken.
I did not fight for the 3D. It was something that the studio wanted to do, and I didnt want to do it. And then, when I saw the first movie converted in sections, I thought that it actually looked really cool. So, I was okay with their doing it, as long as I could shoot the movie the way I wanted to, in anamorphic film, and then let them convert it. So, those who want to see it in 3D, which looked pretty cool, can do it, and those that want to see it in 2D can do that too.
Ook vertelde Abrams dat er geen acteurs uit de originele Star Trek te zien zullen zijn in de film. I think the job of the first movie was just to establish [the universe]. I dont want to give anything away, but I would say that the burden we had in the first movie was just existing at all. With this movie, instead of having to stand on the shoulders of the original series, we built a little bit of a platform for us, with the last movie, to tell this story.
Star Trek 2 zal vanaf 17 mei 2013 in de bioscopen te zien zijn.