Nog voordat we kunnen genieten van Joe Johnstons Captain America: The First Avenger is Marvel Studios alweer bezig met het vervolg. Stephen McFeely en Christopher Markus, die tevens verantwoordelijk zijn voor het scenario van het aankomende eerste deel, zijn momenteel bezig met het script voor de sequel die we overigens pas zullen gaan zien na de Marvel producties Thor, The Avengers en Iron Man 3. Dit houdt echter niet in dat de sequel zich in de moderne tijd zal gaan afspelen. De film zou zich zo maar eens kunnen situeren rond de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
McFeely en Markus spraken met MTV Splash Page over hun werk aan de sequel en waren bereid om hun gedachten erover te delen met de rest van de wereld. Allereerst zei Markus het volgende:
Were very early, still. This is the fun part when we can say, Hey, we can do this! and everyone says, Yeah! No one says anything negative at this point in the process. We have a million great ideas and havent thrown any of them out yet. That being said, its sort of a weirdly huge opportunity for storytelling in that you know modern Cap through the Avengers at that point, and just by the nature of what we were talking about before, theres going to be a lot of his World War II history we havent shown. Were going to have two entire timelines to play with.
McFeely ging daarop door:
I wonder if the reaction to ["The First Avenger"] will steer us in some way. First, if it does well
Then, if it does well and people embrace the World War II aspect of it, maybe theres pressure to return there in a large way. But if they dont embrace that aspect and just love Chris Evans as Steve, maybe theres less pressure to do that you can just keep him in the Avengers universe.
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