Zack Snyder uitgebreid over Superman

De regisseur zit op de praatstoel als het gaat om zijn geanticipeerde superheldenfilm.

Tijdens de promotiecampagne voor zijn nieuwe film Sucker Punch werd regisseur Zack Snyder natuurlijk het hemd van het lijf gevraagd over zijn meest geanticipeerde film: Superman. Hieronder vind je enkele interessante reacties.

Tegenover ScreenRant zei Snyder dat Henry Cavill, zijn Clark Kent/Superman, zeer hard zal gaan trainen. Ook geeft hij aan dat hij voor een bepaalde vorm van realisme gaat in zijn film.

I think the visual style of “Superman,” though I can’t say for certain as it’s early, but I kind of feel like — and I did say to the studio – that what’s cool for me and interesting, and odd, is that “Superman” is probably going to be the most realistic movie I’ve ever made. It’s kind of fun that the most realistic movie I probably will make is a movie called “Superman.” Which shows how crazy my other movies are. Because I guess for him to be credible… He gets more credible by the reality that you can bring to him, you know emotionally, and visually, I think.

Tegenover io9 ging hij in op zijn keuze voor Diane Lane en Kevin Costner als de adoptieouders van Superman.

My idea was that Superman’s parents should be vibrant, like real people, not like some doddering ancient cliché… I think the thing you realize when you look at Diane and Kevin, in our decision to cast them so far, you sort of get a sense of how tonally we’re looking at the movie, and what you realize is that those guys are serious actors, and we’re taking this shit fucking seriously in terms of the tone of having those guys. You’re talking about having a situation where whatever the action is or whatever the drama of the movie is, our first priority is to make sure it’s rendered in the most realistic way we can get at.

Tegenover The Playlist vergelijkt de regisseur het personage Superman met de oppergod Zeus.

I’m a fan of ‘Iron Man’ movies, but really? ‘Iron Man,’ a whole franchise of movies, ‘Iron Man 4’? Fair enough, but the fact that we don’t have a ‘Superman’ movie in the midst of this is crazy. It would be like if we were making a movie about all the Greek gods, but no one had made a movie about Zeus because they’re like, ‘I don’t know what to do with him, he’s too awesome.’ We’re at this point where all of these minor Gods have movies and franchises, and it just seems to me that it’s time to fix that… I think ‘Superman’ is broken and needs to be fixed, from a movie stand point. He is the biggest superhero on the planet, the father of every superhero. I’m like really ‘Thor’? Like really? It’s like the world is out of balance. It’s like we lost our mind here people, ‘Come on.’

Tegenover Latino Review gaat Snyder in op het gerucht dat Viggo Mortensen in beeld zou zijn voor de rol van General Zod in de film.

Yeah Viggo is not going to be in the movie let’s say that right now. I can clear that up.

Weer helemaal up-to-date dus! Het duurt wel nog even voordat we de film zullen gaan zien. De film verschijnt pas in december 2012 in de bioscoop.


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