"Het script van The Dark Knight Rises is fenomenaal!"

Aldus Wally Pfister, DoP van Christopher Nolans geanticipeerde sequel.

Christopher Nolans Director of Photography Wally Pfister heeft inmiddels het script gelezen van The Dark Knight Rises en steekt zijn enthousiastme niet onder stoelen of banken. Op de vraag hoe Nolan The Dark Knight moet gaan overtreffen met dit derde en laatste deel, antwoordde Pfister als volgt:

Plain and simple — he’s done it. It’s a phenomenal script. He’s still in the process of cutting it back because it’s a very long script right now, but it’s really phenomenal. And he actually had me go back and wanted me to watch, in IMAX, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight again. When I watched those I had read the script for The Dark Knight Rises and was like, ‘Dude, it is a perfect trilogy.’ I think that was his intent, to work off those two pictures — and they are very different pictures. And it’s funny, we all had different opinions about which picture we like better.

Pfister vertelt ook hoeveel van de film in IMAX formaat opgenomen zal gaan worden, iets waar al een behoorlijke tijd over gedebatteerd wordt.

Our goal is to shoot as much in IMAX as we can. We’re going to put in on the screen, and put it on the screen big. And I really encourage everyone to see it in IMAX if they can because we’re really going for it this time. In terms of the action, we are all scratching our heads right now trying to figure out how we’re going to do it; how we’re going to do it in the amount of time we’re going to do it in. The opening scene of the movie will blow your mind.

Er zijn rollen voor Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway en (zeer waarschijnlijk) Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The Dark Knight Rises moet vanaf 19 juli 2012 in de Nederlandse bioscopen draaien.


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