Meer details Superman en The Dark Knight Rises

Charles Roven, producent van beide films, schept wat duidelijkheid.

Christopher Nolans The Dark Knight Rises en Zack Snyders Superman naderen langzaamaan productie. Toch hangt er nogal wat onduidelijkheid rondom beide blockbusters, iets waar Charles Roven onlangs iets aan probeerde te doen. De producent van beide films gaf tegenover STYD enkele details met betrekking tot de projecten.

Allereerst zal er geen film komen waarin zowel Superman als Batman te zien zijn.

That may be in somebody’s mind but right now the Batman lives in his world and the Superman lives in his world. Those stories are those stories and we haven’t thought beyond each individual picture.

Wordt er al gedacht over een Batman film na The Dark Knight Rises?

I think that Chris Nolan has said that he wanted to make a trilogy and this is a trilogy. As far as we all know, this is it. This is the trilogy. The Dark Knight Rises is the third part of what Chris created with Batman Begins and we’re not looking past that.

Wordt bij het kostuum van Superman gebruik gemaakt van CGI die vergelijkbaar is met het pak van Green Lantern?

You know, one of the things that you probably know about me and us working on this movie is that the rumors are the rumors and when we have something to say, we’ll say it. Until we do, there’s nothing to say.

Christopher Nolan bemoeit zich met zowel The Dark Knight Rises als Superman. Wanneer beginnen de opnames van beide films? Zal de productie hier en daar overlappen?

It’s a huge workload, but there’s a way we’ve been talking about how to make it work. Hopefully, there will be a little bit of time in-between the start of production on both of them. Right now Dark Knight Rises is coming out in the summer of 2012 and Superman is coming out in the winter of 2012. So hopefully — and we’re just at the beginning phases of both of them. We haven’t even entered official pre-production on either one of them — there will be a little bit of room. They’re both going to be long shoots. I’m sure there’s going to be some overlap, but hopefully there’ll be as little overlap as possible.

Beide films staan gepland voor 2012.


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