Robert Rodriguez over Machete en Sin City 2

En hoe zit het met Spy Kids 4?

Op de set van de nieuwe Predators film beantwoordde producer Robert Rodriguez enkele vragen over zijn lopende projecten: Machete, Sin City 2 en een nieuwe Spy Kids.

Op de vraag of er meerdere Machete films aankomen, zei Rodriguez het volgende:

We always talked about making him a franchise character. Danny and I talked about it in ‘94…maybe Desperado that’s when I first mentioned the Machete character. So imagine that…he’s been bugging me since ‘94.

Mister Machete himself, Danny Trejo, voegt daar het volgende aan toe:

We want Machete, Machete Kills, and Machete Kills Again. [Laughter] That’s mine and Robert’s standards, you know? Every time I text him, he’ll text me back, Machete 2, coming up. [Laughs]

Rodriguez over het langverwachte vervolg op Sin City:

I can’t say no because I don’t know its no. I know Frank wants to do it, I know I wanna do it and its always a sort of ‘time permitting’ kind of thing but it’s not like I can tell you definitely we’re starting. It’s not my next picture, I know that. Doesn’t mean that its not the picture right after because that’s still a possibility.

Dit interview vond overigens plaats vóór het bericht over de dood van Brittany Murphy, die Shellie speelde in Sin City.

Er kan met een stuk meer zekerheid gesproken worden over een vierde Spy Kids film. De opnames zullen in maart of april gaan beginnen. Het gaat echter niet om een vervolg; Rodriguez wil de franchise namelijk van een reboot voorzien. De film zal veel meer gaan lijken op Spy Kids 1 dan op deel 2 of 3. De regisseur zegt het volgende:

Well I know I owe The Weinsteins another movie and I’ve already turned in a script for Spy Kids, another Spy Kids, which is a reboot of Spy Kids. It’s different kids not the old kids and that one is really cool.

What I like about this Spy Kids it reminds me of the first one where is not so much just the kids in fact it leans more towards the parents because you become a parent, you get a lot of ideas on where you can put some of this, you really couldn’t put some of this stuff on a R rated movie that you want to put in a film…. The Weinsteins really wanted to do another one and I had an idea for one. I even went back and pilfered off my old original first script and found some ideas that I couldn’t bring to life back then I was like ‘Wow these are good ideas.’ So they get to finally come back up.

Zit er ook nog een origineel project in het vat?

I’d probably do [Spy Kids] in the early part of next year, March or April, and then I do have something for later in the year. I can’t say what that one is though.

Afwachten dus!


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