Hij laat zich er tegenover SciFiWire echter nog niet inhoudelijk over uit, maar vertelt o.a. wel dat co-schrijver en producent Peter Jackson het speciaal voor Gandalf heeft geschreven:
"As Peter has said, they loved writing Gandalf [for The Hobbit] because they knew who they were writing him for. There are a lot of characters in The Hobbit, including, crucially, Bilbo, and they don't know who's going to play Bilbo. So it's extremely attractive that this part has been written for me. The other Gandalf was written for, well, just as Gandalf. There's lots for me to enjoy, in all sorts of ways. And I couldn't be happier. But I'm sworn to secrecy. I'm not to say anything at all about the script."
Over de rol van Del Toro bij het script zegt McKellen dat Jackson en Del Tore twee handen op één buik zijn:
"They are the same person. They were separated at birth. They're twins. They have the same attitude. Neither likes working in Hollywood. They're both fascinated by fantasy and violence on the screen, and gore, and things that frighten you. They like going into the psyche. They're both brilliant storytellers in very much the same way. And I think the script, because I have read it, plays very much to Guillermo's strengths, as I've seen them. I have seen his other movies, and people act very well in them. So I think it's all fine. And Peter will always be there."
McKellen zei ook dat Gandalf zijn leven voor goed heeft veranderd:
"I can't believe it's 10 years for me. I remember being told by a friend in Hollywood that 'your life is going to change,' and it has. Gandalf is an extremely famous character, and I quite like having him around the corner. He's very popular."
Andere acteurs die gelinkt worden met The Hobbit zijn Ron Perlman (als Thorin), Hugo Weaving (als Elrond), Doug Jones (als Elfenkoning?) en Andy Serkis (als Gollum).