De eerste golf reacties op Marvel-film Eternals is binnen. De film introduceert over krap twee weken het nieuwste superheldenteam van Marvel Studios.
Dat zijn de Eternals, in essentie onsterfelijke wezens die naar de Aarde gestuurd zijn door de Celestials om de planeet te beschermen tegen de Deviants. Zij leven al duizenden jaren onder 'ons' en proberen zich enkel met de mensheid te bemoeien als de Deviants er zijn.
De eerste reacties
Gisteravond vond de wereldpremière van Eternals plaats, en dat levert meteen een hele rits eerste reacties van aanwezige critici op.
De film lijkt behoorlijk positief ontvangen te zijn, maar de echte genuanceerde reacties laten natuurlijk nog heel even op zich wachten. Vaak zijn die minder laaiend enthousiast dan de Twitter-reacties.
Desalniettemin lijken de eerste indrukken heel positief te zijn. De film van Marvel Studios weet vermoedelijk genoeg te balanceren tussen personages introduceren en de standaard actie te tonen die we kennen van de filmstudio.
Hieronder doen we een greep uit de vele reacties:
Marvel's #Eternals is spectacularly weird & rich w/ a new MCU mythology that makes it feel separate from everything else. It's honestly refreshing. There's a bittersweetness to the film that you feel in its sunset shots - a definite Chloé Zhao touch. It is soulful & thoughtful
-- Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) October 19, 2021
I saw a movie tonight. #Eternals is cool as hell. Drags a bit in act 2 but I went in knowing nothing about this movie and walked out a fan.
-- Chris E. Haynorror Movies Rule (@ChrisHayner) October 19, 2021
#Eternals is DENSE & I felt the weight of the exposition often. Movie's at its best when the focus is on the Eternals recreating their family - the humor of it & the passion when they fight for each other and the things they love. Also, Angelina Jolie in the MCU is EVERYTHING.
-- Perrinormal Activity (@PNemiroff) October 19, 2021
#Eternals is epic in every sense of the word. It's a story that is more massive but simultaneously more down-to-earth than the MCU has ever been. The passion everyone involved had for this movie is present in every scene and it needs to be seen on the biggest screen you can find
-- Jack McBryan (@McBDirect) October 19, 2021
#Eternals , wow! A lot to unpack. If Marvel movies are a Venn diagram -- variations within that overlap -- this movie is off the charts. Hands down the most different of any of their films.
-- Aaron Couch (@AaronCouch) October 19, 2021
#Eternals is amazing! Chloé Zhao & company turn in an evocative, emotional, extraordinarily epic superhero film. The ensemble have great chemistry & all get big Movie Moments to showcase their prowess. The naturalism of Ben Davis' cinematography spotlights characters' humanity.
-- Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) October 19, 2021
I wanted to like #Eternals much more than I did. There's a lot to like, but the massive story felt at odds with the intimate character development, leaving me without anything to truly invest in.
-- Daniel Howat (@howatdk) October 19, 2021
There's some good stuff, but not enough.