Tim Miller maakt met Dark Fate een heel ander vervolg dan tot nu toe uitgebracht is in de Terminator-franchise. Het verhaal wordt na Judgment Day opgepikt en zet de lijn die daar ingezet werd direct voort. We zien dus wat de nasleep is van de beslissingen die Sarah Connor gemaakt heeft en die blijken onfris te zijn. Skynet is tegengehouden, maar er is een opvolger die zo mogelijk nog erger is. En dat verhaal weet wel indruk te maken!
Eerste reacties
Hieronder zetten we de eerste reacties op Twitter op een rij. Die zijn erg positief; de film zou een opwindende en bevredigende reboot zijn, die eindelijk wel nieuw leven in de franchise blaast.
Terminator: Dark Fate is basically Terminator: The Force Awakens. A satisfying, exciting reboot that's essentially the best parts of T1 & T2 in a blender. Davis, Reyes & Hamilton are excellent, the action wows & while it's familiar, it's easily the best T3 yet. Terminator is back pic.twitter.com/W1emrXIq5C
-- Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) October 21, 2019
TERMINATOR's thought of as Arnold's franchise. DARK FATE makes it clear he wasn't the key ingredient that made it work. It was Linda Hamilton. She's incredible in this, and the movie's very solid. (I recently defended all the TERMINATOR sequels, so make of this what you will.) pic.twitter.com/3JSsac7LrL
-- Matt Singer (@mattsinger) October 21, 2019
I was skeptical of TERMINATOR: DARK FATE. Thought the trailers were not great. But I would up enjoying it quite a bit, and the difference maker (vs the other post T2 sequels) is Linda Hamilton. It's always been HER story and Hamilton adds the needed weight here.
-- Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) October 21, 2019
I've been a fan of Mackenzie Davis since seeing her in 'Halt and Catch Fire'. But she takes it to another level in #TerminatorDarkFate where she kicks all kinds of ass. If you like her work in Dark Fate, go back and watch #HaltandCatchFire. pic.twitter.com/P5gnqoXjFL
-- Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) October 21, 2019
Oh the film, you ask? It's solid. Super well articulated action. Linda Hamilton is aces. Easily the best sequel since T2. #DarkFate takes The Force Awakens' "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality to Cameron's films and turns out it ain't broke.
-- Haleigh Foutch (@HaleighFoutch) October 21, 2019
Excited to report Terminator: Dark Fate is the best sequel in the franchise since T2. It's a "return to basics" movie -- reminiscent of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in that way -- but the new heroes are fantastic, it's great to see the legends kicking ass, and the action is great. pic.twitter.com/aAHSXhFyA4
-- Evil Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) October 21, 2019