Lucas over Poseidon Adventure

Volgens acteur Josh Lucas (A Beautiful Mind, Hulk) wordt de remake van The Poseidon Adventure, waarin hij een rol gaat spelen, een compleet andere film dan het origineel. Hij zal onder regie van Wolfgang Petersen (Troy) te zien zijn samen met Kurt Russell, Emmy Rossum, Richard Dreyfuss en Mike Vogel. Dit is wat Lucas zei tegen het Britse filmmagazine Empire over het project:

[eng]"I would say it's a complete regenesis of that idea. It's quite different, and I think that's one of the things that makes this particular movie ring true. The story is exactly the same story, in the sense that a cruise ship gets hit by a rogue wave and flips over, but every single character is entirely different, and the structure of the movie is very different…the technology has moved on. You watch the original, and they jump over a chair like they're risking their lives, because they don't have the technology or the money in that film to do anything. It's actually not a bad film; it's quite interesting in certain ways. But the technology that's available – with CGI but also with sets. We're doing a lot of stuff where they built these mind-blowing sets; basically huge chunks of an eight-storey cruise ship upside down. It's on hydraulics so the whole thing collapses and falls apart when you're actually on it. It's pretty spectacular."[/eng]

Kurt Russell speelt een ex-brandweerman die op reis is met zijn dochter en haar vriend (Rossem en Vogel), Dreyfuss zal te zien zijn als homosexuele man wiens relatie vlak voor vertrek is verbroken. Kapitein van het schip wordt hoogstwaarschijnlijk Andre Braugher.


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