Jackson meldt dat hij veel vaker te zien is in The Avengers: "I'm actually doing more than I've done in any of the other films. You don't have to wait until the end of the movie to see me. I'm actually around the whole movie and I do a lot more. I have action scenes and I actually do things to people in this movie."
Ook zegt hij nog even hoe hij het ervaart om met alle superhelden op één set te vertoeven: "We're all really good friends. It's kind of funny to stand around in a room and see everybody. Thor is standing there in his costume. Captain America. Sometime's he's dressed and sometimes he's not. Scarlett [Johansson] is there as Black Widow. Robert Downey is there. He very seldom has his Iron Man costume on when he's just hanging around with his buds. It's just amazing to look around the room and see all of those guys there and go, 'Okay. This is cool.'"
In de verre toekomst moet er ook nog een film Nick Fury uitkomen, mogelijk in 2014. Hieronder nog even de teaser voor The Avengers. Let op, het begint met een spoiler uit Captain America: