Ron Perlman over Conan en Hellboy 3

Ook gaat de acteur uitgebreid in op Guillermo Del Toro's 'At the Mountains of Madness'.

Ron Perlman is momenteel druk met persverplichtingen voor Season of the Witch en de acteur was zo vriendelijk om het één en ander te vertellen over zijn overige projecten. Zo zijn we wat te weten gekomen over Conan the Barbarian, waarvoor hij zijn sequenties al heeft geschoten. Ook ging hij in op Guillermo Del Toro's At the Mountains of Madness en de eerste ideeën voor een nieuwe Hellboy.

Tegenover de Examiner zei Perlman het volgende over zijn rol in Conan:

I play Conan’s father. There’s big-time sword action. But I’m only in the movie for 10 minutes. I can’t tell everything, but the first sequence is huge. It’s epic. All I can tell you is that I work with the Conan who’s 11 years old. And there’s a jump cut to Conan the adult, and I’m no longer on the scene. I don’t want to give away anything.

io9 vroeg de acteur naar zijn rol in At the Mountains of Madness.

The movie takes place in the North Pole, and so I’m on board as this sort of dog sled dude. I spend my entire life with these dogs. So I’m a rough guy, among all these scientists. I’m a contrast to the deeply intellectual world that’s being explored. I live outside all the time, I live in the elements. I’m a no-bullshit kind of guy in a world of guys who just live in their heads. So it’s a beautiful role to play, given that backdrop. I kick some butt I hope we get a chance to do it.

En hoe zit het precies met Hellboy 3? Perlman gaat in op het idee waarmee momenteel gespeeld wordt voor een eventueel derde deel.

The only thing I can share with you is we have this demon who is a victim of this Oracle, which is not negotiable. He’s been summoned to the Earth for the destruction of mankind, and that’s non-negotiable. This whole notion that his nature, is the demon of destruction — against the way he’s been nurtured by his father, John Hurt’s character, to be kind and in the service of mankind. Those things are going to be in play in the third one. Then of course you have Liz pregnant with twins at the end of the second film. So you don’t know what those two offspring are going to be? Are they going to be more human? Are they going to be more demon? Are they going to be a combination of the two? And how is that going to play out, in terms of Hellboy’s destiny. Which I say again is non-negotiable. So that’s the backdrop for the third film. And everything will be resolved, all these open-ended questions will finally be resolved. I don’t know how, he didn’t give me those details. But that’s the backdrop for it.

Conan draait vanaf 19 augustus 2011 in de Amerikaanse bioscopen. De Nederlandse releasedatum is nog niet bekend. At the Mountains of Madness moet ergens in 2013 in de bioscopen gaan draaien.


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