Cameo Dwight Schultz in The A-Team

"Murdock will be better than ever!"

The Official Dwight Schultz Fansite meldt dat Dwight Schultz, de man die in de tv-serie 97 keer 'Howling Mad' Murdock speelde, een cameo heeft in de door Joe Carnahan geregisseerde verfilming The A-Team. Op de website van Schultz stond het volgende:

We are pleased to inform you all that Dwight has actually already been working in Vancouver, where he has played a cameo role in The A-Team movie. Sharlto Copley, the South African actor who plays Murdock, is according to Dwight: 'brilliant beyond words'. Dwight has seen his screen test and he stated: that honestly, if Sharlto is given an opportunity to do what I saw in that test, "Murdock" will be better than ever!' Sharlto has been very kind to him on the set and Dwight must say that he has been treated very well.

Of er ook andere acteurs uit de originele serie een cameo hebben, is nog onbekend. De film draait vanaf 29 juni 2010 in de Nederlandse bioscopen.


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